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Park House School

Sixth Form Leaders at West Berks Foodbank

We continue to try and demonstrate our value of Be Kind at every opportunity. A perfect time to display this value is when our local charity The West Berks Foodbank host an appeal. This half term there have been two main appeals, the Harvest Donations alongside the Christmas appeal. With students, parents and staff, we continue to join together to help support this charity.

The Foodbank offers more than just food, with a Listening Team who call clients and support them to deal with the issues that have led to food poverty. They aim to help clients work with other agencies and charities, giving them a way forward out of financial crisis.

Thank you to all that contributed in one way or another with the appeals. The heart- warming gestures go a long way to help those less fortunate. You can see how successful our Harvest appeal was by the certificate provided below.

Our PH6 leaders were on hand to help load up the vans and support with the final relay of the donations.

A special mention to 10Y2 (Miss Calloways tutor group) for their efforts on the Christmas appeal. They went above and beyond when we announced the appeal. Students in that tutor group took it upon themselves to do a collection that ultimately contributed to the whole school collection. An inspiring and heartwarming act of kindness.
