Careers Update

Year 11 Mock Interview Day
As part of National Apprenticeship Week on Wednesday 12th February 2025 our Year 11 students took part in Mock Interviews to allow them to experience the interview process. The students were superb, professional and really demonstrated great maturity. Our interviewers were very impressed, and enjoyed talking to our students and provided great feedback. The size of our cohort meant we had interviews across the whole school day and I would like to again formally thank all parents and guests who supported this event and welcome more of you into school to get involved in bringing the world of work to our students. In addition, taking on board feedback I will be providing further CV support to students to help those applying for apprenticeships and part time jobs. Due to the success of Mock Interview Day this will become a key feature of my career plan each year and something I am duplicating for sixth form in the summer term.
We were very fortunate on the day our chair of the school’s governing body was in school when the mock interviews were taking place and was delighted to overhear some of the conversations that were taking place. She has asked me to add her thanks to interviewers for giving their time to support Park House School.
REMINDER Book up your child’s Year 9 Work Shadow Day
Tuesday 18th March is Year 9 students Work Shadow Day. We are requesting they experience the world of work by spending a day shadowing a parent or adult guardian at work. We hope you can support us in this valuable opportunity by arranging permission from your employers to allow this to happen. We look forward to hearing all about how they got on. More details on this will go out separately.
National Apprenticeship Week – Monday 10th – 14th Feb
On Monday 10th February our Year Sixth Form Students got to meet Max Agar ex-student who successfully secured a Degree Apprenticeship at PepsiCo and came in to talk to all our students about the process and how he is getting on. It was a really proud moment for me as his business teacher last year seeing him on stage presenting to large student crowd, confident and mature and able to explain the pros and cons of applying for apprenticeship so eloquently. I know he inspires our students to consider applying.