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Park House School

Extra-Curricular Clubs

The extracurricular programme got off to a wonderful start at the beginning of the academic year. You will have read in our previous newsletter regarding our extra-curricular fair that was held within the first week of term. This momentum continued throughout the term, where lots of wonderful opportunities were provided for all of our students (Year 7’s all the way up to our PH6 students). We finish the term in a strong position with clubs still running even on the last day.

We start as we finish, opportunities will be provided as soon as we are back after the Halloween break. The only difference is that the programme will have been adapted slightly. New opportunities will be provided. The new extracurricular programme will be finalised for when students arrive back to school. This will be published on our website and around the school.

As per usual, we strongly encourage ALL students to take part in at least two extracurricular clubs each week. Our offer is for everyone. If students want an extracurricular club to run and it's not on the schedule, they can speak to Mr Bale or drop a suggestion in the student voice box (located opposite the canteen).

Some extracurricular highlights include our very own boxing club, the very popular textiles club and the Dungeons and Dragons club.

Park House has gone international. We were lucky enough this term to provide students with different opportunities with students from around the world. Visiting students from Australia and Argentina came to Park House to play sporting fixtures and provide cultural exchanges. See below for highlights of their visits. Our students were absolutely amazing and it just goes to show no matter what part of the world you are from, good character and values trumps everything. Our visitors were extremely complementary about our wonderful school and student body.

Australia Visit

A visiting footballing side from Australia came to play against our school Year 10 school team. Their football was sublime, however what really stood out was how our students conducted themselves… the resilience, the integrity, their citizenship….well done.

Argentina Visit

From Mr Jones who organised the visit:

On September the 18th Yr. 9 were treated to a mini concert in the main Hall . ST Hilda's school from Bueno Aires Argentina were touring the UK. Their tour began in Glasgow through the midlands, Cardiff and eventually Park House finishing off in London.

They played a variety of traditional Argentinian songs plus a few Disney tunes from the films "UP" and "Cars" and a variety of classical renditions. The finale was a display of Tango dance demonstrations resulting in a variety of our students being taught how to Tango.

Talking with the teachers who accompanied the group they thanked Mr King for allowing them to visit the school and make further fond memories of their visit to Britain and commented on how polite and enthusiastic Park House students were. A successful afternoon and no doubt a memory our students will have for years to come.