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Park House School

Careers Education and Guidance

All students receive a structured and carefully planned programme of Careers Education and Information, Advice and Guidance. This enables students to make informed decisions about their future, in particular:

  • GCSE Choices
  • Further Education
  • Training, employment and apprenticeships
  • Higher Education and post A Level options

​As a school we have invested in the Unifrog platform for all of our students. This tool provides students with the opportunity to develop their personal career journey throughout their time in school. Through a number of learning situations, evidence of work-related learning is cross curricular, thus helping students gain the confidence to manage their own transition into new roles and situations. This is achieved through developing skills in time management, organisation skills, punctuality and teamwork.

The Careers Education Programme is delivered through PSHE lessons, assemblies and a portfolio of careers events. We work with a number of supporting organisations on a regular basis such as the Education Business Partnership West Berkshire, Adviza, The Careers and Enterprise Company, STEM, Young Enterprise and, which gives them access to skills workshops and activities with our partner employers. These activities are aimed at developing a number of employment skills and to improve their engagement in learning. We are also a member of the West Berkshire Careers Network.

The Government policy relating to the raising of the school leaving age to 18 should be seen as a positive move with the extra time provided to gain more knowledge of qualifications/training and time to consider and research available opportunities to maximise their chances of achieving their long-term careers aspirations.

We actively manage our careers provision in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks adopted by Ofsted and use them to determine our leading edge programme. The benchmarks focus on the following areas:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

At Park House School, we adapted our provision during and after the pandemic, as a result, many additional virtual career activities are now available to students via email and in regular careers news updates to parents. We work with Mrs Nic Dean, who is an independent external careers advisor, to provide students with a 1-2-1 guidance interviews in Year 10/11 as well as in Y12/13.  We also work  with local apprenticeship providers, colleges, the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC), and other organisations helps ensure that a wide variety of relevant and up-to-date information on careers and future pathways is provided for our students. Tours of universities, volunteering, in person and virtual work experience, job opportunities and seminars as well as careers fairs are also offered.

We are also want to work closely with our parents and use the vast wealth of experience and expertise in our local catchment area to use local businesses to work with us to teach students all about the world of work.

Whilst a large majority of our students remain at Park House to attend our Sixth Form, there are other routes available. Students are made fully aware of these routes as part of their Careers Education. They receive information, guidance and the support necessary to help them make the right decision during their transition phase. Students have continual access to Unifrog and are encouraged to use the platform to view careers options linked to their areas of interest. 

We aim to inspire current students by encouraging alumni to share their further education and career experiences since leaving school, if you are a former student who would be happy to be part of the programme, please keep in touch by joining Park House Alumni.


To view our Provider Access Statement, please visit our Schools Policy & Documents page.


Please click below for our monthly newsletters, including a section on Careers.

PHS News

Useful Links


links to information on all aspects of careers and life choices.


is a careers education and guidance system, designed for all individuals aged 13 upwards who are considering their career options. It is unique in that not only does it include the very latest careers and course information, but the suggestions are tailored to an individual’s interests, learning and social styles and expectations.

is a free online library of careers related film, news and information.

be part of the UK’s largest and fastest growing student community.

links to all aspects of apprenticeships.

takes statistics, rankings and reviews and builds reports on UK universities and colleges.

provides careers information, advice and guidance. They can help you to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in your career.

enables you to explore your future career

Contact Us 

Mary Tebble 

Associate Assistant Headteacher - Careers, PSHE and Vocational Subjects

01635 573911