Useful Information
Contacting the school
If you have a concern about your child please email the Head of Year, all email addresses are under: Information, Key Staff - Contact Details. We have a two working day response time. If you do not get a response within this time, please forward the email trail to who will escalate this for you. If you have a safeguarding concern please email If you have any concerns with regards to a child with SEND please email If you have any other queries please email
Parents are contacted prior to 12:30 via SMS/Text Message and MCAS each day if your child has been given a same day detention. If you have any queries with regards to the detention please contact the Head of Year.
Please note our teachers are in class teaching lessons during the day, including Heads of Year, we advise that parents will only be allowed on site with a pre-arranged appointment. Parents will not be seen by a member of staff without an appointment.
Students struggling with illness in school are expected to speak to a member of staff, preferably their teacher in class time. If the teacher decides your child is too ill to stay in class they will then send a Medical QC notification to the medical team who will request that the student attends Student Services. From there onwards the attending member of the medical team will assess the situation and contact parents if appropriate.
If your child needs to take any medication in school, please bring the medication to reception. A form will need to be filled in before we can store this and dispense it. Please do not allow your child to bring in any medication including paracetamol into school.
If you have any medical information pertaining to your child please email the Head of Year and copy in
Medical Changes:
If your child has any changes to their medical condition or there is a new physical medical condition (e.g., new medication, allergies, or any other relevant information), please inform the school office via email at and also cc in their Head of Year & Attendance (if applicable) -
What is a Green Card?
A Green Card is a document that allows your child to leave class during the school day for a small range of things (Toilet break etc). -
Obtaining a Green Card:
All ‘Green Cards’ will now be issued by Mrs. Newman, Office Manager. Please email your request to with the subject header saying ‘Green Card’ - Please clearly state the reason for requesting a ‘Green card’. The Head of Year will also be notified of your request. -
Current Status:
Please note that all current ‘Green Cards’ are being reissued and will be blue in colour. -
Issuing of Green Cards:
For the time being, Mrs. Newman will be the only member of staff issuing Green Cards. -
Red Card - A red card is a Medical card only and these are issued to Diabetic students, students with severe allergies requiring an Epi Pen and students with serious medical conditions. If your child has been issued with a ‘Red card’ these will still be valid, again only Mrs Newman will be issuing these.
Period Packs - Brown Bag
If your child requires any menstrual products, please let them know they can go to Student Services or RFL and ask for a ‘brown bag’. We have a large supply of pads, tampons and period pants that are available to our students.
Lost Property
Any lost property is taken to Student Services. Once there, if the item is named a member of the office team will contact you and your child’s tutor via email to let your child know to come and collect the item. Items with no names on them will be placed in a general storage bin. On the last day of the school week the items will be moved into storage for a period of four school weeks. Any unclaimed items will be retained by the school. If you or your child are unable to collect the item in the given time frame, please contact before the end of the four weeks and we will be able to put the items on hold. We appreciate your help with this.
Further information can be found below: