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Park House School




West Berkshire School Admissions administers the process of allocating places at Park House. Details of how to apply for entry in September each year for year 7 can be found here. Or for an in year admission outside the normal round of admission or in different year groups - please click here.​

Alternatively, they can be contacted on 01635 551111 or 

The Greenshaw Learning Trust is the admissions authority for Park House School. More information about admission to Greenshaw Learning Trust schools can be found here. The Greenshaw Learning Trust admissions policy can be found here.

For queries or further information, please email or telephone the Admissions Officer on 01635 573911.

An In Year Admission Form can be downloaded below for completion along with the student registration form.

Alternatively, the student registration form can be completed online by clicking --> here

New starters will also need to complete a medical information form --> here

Determined Admission Arrangements for 2024/2025 

In accordance with the School Admissions Code 2021, the Greenshaw Learning Trust has consulted on the admissions arrangements for Park House School for entry in September 2024/25. The consultation closed in December 2022.

The main changes are;

· Inclusion of a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) for all exceptional social and medical applications

· Alignment of the order of priorities within the admission arrangements to mirror all other Greenshaw Learning Trust schools

· Amendment of the criteria definitions in line with all Greenshaw Learning Trust schools

Please click on the link below/find below/click here to view the determined admission arrangements for the school.